If you are like me, you don’t have anyone living

If you are like me, you don’t have anyone to count on to drop everything and tend to your pet. While my neighbors are friendly, I don’t feel I can burden them with my dog when I am at a hospital.

This year, I found myself searching for an emergency backup plan for pet care if I had an accident while away from my dog. I started searching for a service but was unsuccessful. I did not find any company or service who could coordinate pet services for my dog through my medical emergency.

So I created the service that service for all pet owners!

Compassionate Pet Guardian Services
We are Pet Guardians. We are your backup plan if an emergency happens to you and you can’t take care of your pet.

  • We create a plan with you if an emergency happens
  • We confirm your contacts, dog sitters, boarders, and veterinarians BEFORE an emergency happens to you
  • We create and sign a Pet Trust/Guardian contract which gives us the appropriate authority to care for your pet
  • We send you an Alert Card for your wallet, car visor, backpack, work badge or purse
  • We send you an Alert Dog Tag for your pet’s collar, your key chain or necklace.
  • We instruct you on how to add us to your cellphone’s emergency contact tab.
  • All your information will be on our APP on your cellphone. This app will allow you to edit your pet’s information.

If an emergency happens to you, we take action:

  • We are on-call 24/7
  • Once we are alerted to an emergency, we control and protect your pet until you safely return.
  • Your pet will be boarded in a facility you chose and fed the food you have already approved.
  • We will take pictures of your pet and upload it to our APP (coming soon) for you to review while yourecover in the hospital.
  • Your pet will get medical treatment, if needed, by your approved veterinary.
  • Your pet will be groomed or walked based on your Pet’s Plan.
  • Your pet will be transported back to you upon your return home.
  • If you cannot take care of your pet after your emergency, we will take care of placing your pet in your chosen “next home“.

We care for your pet as part of our family. Do you have a backup plan if something happens to you today?
If not, check out our services. See what we can do for you and your furry family member. ​
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